The Violet Blue Frenzy
I don't normally read Violet Blue's weekly sex (not sex advice) column in the Chronicle, but this post on the SFGate Culture Blog, by my former SFist editor Eve Batey, prompted me to read the latest piece.
Here's the chronology. Forbes posted their Top 25 Web Celebs list, and it included John Dvorak, Leo LaPorte, and Violet Blue, among others. Dvorak and LaPorte are two of the co-hosts of This Week in Technology, a podcast that I know many people love but that I simply find tedious, and they lampooned the list in general, and Violet Blue's place on it in particular. "Why is she there?" seems to be the gist of their comments.
Blue, who's a popular podcaster, blogger and videoblogger, used her weekly column to respond. She took exception to "the Moose Lodge" feel of the TWiT conversation.
Eve sent the TWiT guys the link to Blue's column, and LaPorte responded to Eve's email, but she's not allowed to print his response. Oooh, I'll bet it's juicy, though. Peter Norton, another host, did respond, and you can read his comments, which among other things apologize for LaPorte's unseen response, at Eve's Culture Blog post. Dvorak publicly apologized, but you simply must read the ferocious comments of the Dvorak Army. No one is so venomous as the commenter lending words of support to one blogger about the words of another.
Update: Leo Laporte apologized, saying that he had confused Violet Blue the podcaster with Violet Blue the porn star.
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