An Obsession with Everything Else

Friday, March 16, 2007

Jeopardy! Three-way

The NPL mailing list has been abuzz about tonight's Jeopardy! episode. In part, this was because an NPL member was the winner going into the final round. But there was a lot of suspense about "something that had never happened before." As many predicted, the surprise ending was a three-way tie. Here's a breakdown of what happened and an analysis of the decisions each player made.

Update: Francis Heaney, a friend of Scott Weiss's and another NPL member, gives the real reason for Scott's decision. He thought, "Wouldn't it be nice if we all got to take home $16,000? Plus, as Melissa points out, Scott gets to come back with known competitors.

Update 2: From the horse's mouth. Not only altruism, but seizing a chance to make Jeopardy history.


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