An Obsession with Everything Else

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Jane McGonigal on Boing Boing Boing

In episode 13 of the boing boing podcast, the boing boingers interview Jane McGonigal, an alternate reality game designer. I found the interview fascinating. I love her description of ARGs—a virtual world that exists in the real world—and I enjoyed listening to her enthuse about all the things ARGs can accomplish. She talks about the sense of community, real-world interactions, and cooperative solving efforts that bring people together in global alliances. She talks about the importance of story, and notes that her background as a theater geek is more useful to her than her background as a tech geek.

I didn't note where the interview starts; there's a bit of "The Week In Boing Boing" patter that happens at the beginning. For once, though, I didn't find that annoying.


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