Ze Frank talks stats
Most of you know my current abhorrence to web stats. (Most of you also know that I used to be addicted to them.) I check my numbers periodically, but only for aberrant behavior (like when I got 9000 visitors one day because Yahoo! linked to a picture on this site).
Any journalist who asks me about my numbers for OWF gets an earful about the unreliability of these statistics, and all the ways I could (and other bloggers do) lie or present wrong information to sound more important. I've resolved that going forward I'm just going to say "I'm happy with the quality of my readers" and not give them any numbers.
So I'm bookmarking this (text) post by video blogger ze frank, where he covers this very subject with respect to him and rocketboom, the "celebrity" video blog.
Since starting my own podcast I have become a bit obsessed with stats myself! I found ze's take on the whole thing quite interesting indeed.
Even inaccurate graphs are kind of cool!
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