An Obsession with Everything Else

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lost Bridges puzzles

Josh at has been developing a new puzzle type, a variant of the well-known Bridges puzzles where you have to connect islands with bridges. In the standard rules, each island has a number that indicates how many bridges connect to it, you can never have more than 2 bridges connecting 2 islands, bridges can't cross, and you have to be able to get from any island to any other through the bridge network (i.e., you can't have two disconnected networks).

Josh's variant doesn't have numbers. Instead, each island is represented by a symbol. Within a puzzle, each symbol represents the same number, but it's up to you to figure out the meaning for each symbol. Very clever, and the puzzles can be quite difficult, though they're always solvable.

Here's all the ones he's made so far. Start with #1 to get the idea.


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